
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Religious Freedom Executive order


That is the link above. 

Read for yourself. I will wait until tomorrow to actuauly have a melt down and really think about leaving the country. 

And I actually mean that. 

I will not be in a place where someone can discriminate against me just because their religion says that me being gay is wrong. 

I don't understand hate. It's such a powerful and strong word. 

I'm thinking about this. and, what if I lose my job teaching kids because my boss doesn't believe in supporting gays. Or my other job. Where do they stand? 

I have been gay or Bi, my whole life. I fall in love with people. Their actual souls and who they are. 

I have never been put into a situation where I felt threatened. I have been so lucky to have been surrounded by loving parents, family members and co workers. I don't understand why this is happening to the USA. 

I don't get it. How can this be? 

It makes my soul so sad. 

It hurts right now. 

until tomorrow. 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Day 31- word for 2017

My word for 2017 is 


I've forgotten how to believe in myself and in my faith as a Buddhist. Ive forgotten that the sky is the limit. I've forgotten how I am a great choreographer. I am a great dance teacher. I've forgotten I CAN DO IT! I can move on. I can change my situation. I can achieve anything I put my mind too. 

Last year was change..... and I did change a lot in myself and in my life. But now it's time to take action and believe I can keep changing my situation. I'm scared and excited.

Day 5- best book

Ok well the best series I'm reading. Read all 6 books in 3 months. I think that is a record for me. Really it is. 

She has more coming out. I read one lady midnight but have to wait until May for the next  one. Now I'm reading the prequel of Mortal. And just finished that. 

I mean my mind is literally blown with this world. I want to live in this work. 


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Day 20- snuggle


Day 6- in the air

So..... I thought this would be easier doing 2 picture a day. But then realized it's not just pictures you take right now, it's through the year. Uggggg but I'm getting there. 

December is just a mess for me right now.

But I looked up today while walking to Starbucks to get coffee. I love black birds. Love crows and ravens. They sing to my heart. They were talking so much I looked up. The trees were bare and I could see them just sitting there. Made me smile. 


Monday, December 5, 2016

Day three December reflections

Favorite photo- 

Now there are so many I have that are my favorite. But today. This is the one. 

I love this cat- Mox.... he has stolen my heart. 
His personality is just the best. Unique. You always have that 1 animal that can never ever be replaced. This is my 2nd born.... 


Friday, December 2, 2016

Those tasty things you get to eat

So, this past weekend, we did a few things.....only a few. LOL YEAH RIGHT!

So we started off, but going to crossfit, a bonding experience where I get really mad that I have to work out, but then I feel great again afterwards......don't ask, it is what it is. 

Then we headed off to pay off treats you all get to eat. Now that Anetra is half Italian and half Portuguese, she wanted the dessert done by a place called di Tazza. Anetra said that her desserts and treats remind her of her grandmother on the Italian just like them. So since I know I have Italian in my heritage somewhere....oh who cars if anyone is. LOL the treats will not let you down. Actually I will try and hoard them all and not let any of you eat any of them. 

It always feels great when you are saving for two years for your wedding to pay SOMETHING OFF. They wanted to do half down, I said um....can we just pay it off. Honestly I didn't want to have to do it later on, to many things I don't want to worry about at all. :) 

Then to continue out day, we went to look at rings for Anetra. And well I've never done the whole ring thing. It actually gives me anxiety. I love the sparkles but don't make me pick one out because even if I do want that really expensive one, I wont let you buy it at all and I wont tell you which one I like. Because honestly I feel a little guilty about wanting it, when really that money could go towards a trip and not something to sit on my finger. I have the perfect ring and I didn't have to pick it out. Goodness, I'm sweating right now just thinking about that day. 

Anyways, Anetra found the ring she wanted, honestly I'm glad I didn't get the one I was going to get her because it was NOTHING LIKE THE ONE SHE WANTED. LOL 

I swear I do know her, I swear.  So that place was SOOOOOOOO Busy. They said a tone of people were planning on getting engaged at Christmas.  How fun..... 

Well the rest of the day was filled with running around doing errands getting things ready for our trip to see Anetra's family for Thanksgiving. 

Until the next step......Have a great day!